Ending Violence Against Women: A choice to help or not.

Ending Violence Against Women Violence Against Women (VAW) is a deeply ingrained social trouble that cuts across borders, cultures, and communities. In the Philippines, it is expected that 1 in three ladies has skilled a few form of violence, a determine reflected globally. Even greater troubling is the revelation from the 2022 National Demographic and Health Survey that almost 1 in five ladies in the us of a has continued emotional, physical, or sexual abuse at the palms of their current or maximum recent companion. This stark truth underscores the significance of the yearly 18-day Campaign to End Violence Against Women, held every November. It is a time to swell the voices of survivors, embolden the call for justice, and bring to light that which is vital: law's role in protecting rights of women. These are some of the criminal law frameworks. Republic Act No. 9262 (Anti-Violence Against Women and Their Children Act of 2004) and Republic Act No. 8353 (The Anti-Rape Law of 1997) c...